LPAC Names New Board Chair, Announces 2014 Midterm Election Picks


Political action committee for pro-lesbian, pro-women issues 

LPAC, the nation’s only lesbian-backed political action committee, announced today that founding member Laura Ricketts has succeeded Sarah Schmidt as Board Chair of LPAC as it launches its first round of 2014 endorsements. 

“Serving as the founding chairwoman of LPAC has been an incredible honor,” said outgoing chair Sarah Schmidt. “Our work is only beginning, and I am thrilled that my dear friend and fellow founding member Laura Ricketts will lead LPAC as we continue to advance lesbian and women’s rights.”  

Laura Ricketts is a co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, where she sits on the board of directors and is the first openly gay woman to own a major league baseball franchise. She is also the Chair of the Chicago Cubs Charities. Ms. Ricketts is a former corporate attorney, a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Executive Committee, and a former co-chair of the DNC National Finance Committee’s LGBT Leadership Council. She also sits on the board of directors for Emily’s List.

“Under Sarah’s leadership the last two years, LPAC has been tremendously successful, raising over $1 million to help elect pro-LGBT, pro-women candidates—including backing our nation’s first openly gay senator, Tammy Baldwin,” said Ms. Ricketts. “I am humbled and excited to take the reins as we continue to give lesbians a seat at the political table, and as we work hard to elect a new slate of LPAC candidates.”  [pullquote]“Under Sarah’s leadership the last two years, LPAC has been tremendously successful, raising over $1 million to help elect pro-LGBT, pro-women candidates—including backing our nation’s first openly gay senator, Tammy Baldwin,” said Ms. Ricketts. “I am humbled and excited to take the reins as we continue to give lesbians a seat at the political table, and as we work hard to elect a new slate of LPAC candidates.”  [/pullquote]

Ms. Ricketts’ first act as Board Chair is to oversee LPAC’s 2014 political endorsement cycle, the first wave of which was announced today. “Over the last year, reproductive freedom, gender inequity, lesbian rights, and critical social justice movements continue to be under attack,” said LPAC supporter Billie Jean King. “LPAC’s work is crucial to stemming the tide of attacks on women and lesbians by electing pro-lesbian, pro-women candidates. The leaders and campaigns we are endorsing have a strong focus on inclusion and will positively influence the political and social landscape for all of us, especially lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women.”

The 2014 slate includes 15 candidates from across the country and at several levels of government, as well as a Tennessee constitutional ballot initiative aimed at repealing reproductive rights protections. In addition, LPAC will also be making political contributions to select pro-women and pro-lesbian through independent expenditure efforts. The initial endorsements include:

  • Incumbent Congresswoman, Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)
  • Sean Eldridge (D-NY 19th Congressional District)
  • Gwen Graham (D-FL 2nd Congressional District)
  • Amanda Renteria (D-CA 21stCongressional District) 
  • Tennessee Anti-Abortion Amendment: No on Tennessee’s Amendment 1
  • Incumbent Governor, Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
  • Incumbent Governor, Pat Quinn (D-IL)
  • Gubernatorial Candidate, Wendy Davis (D-TX)
  • Gubernatorial Candidate, Michael Michaud (D-ME)
  • Gubernatorial Candidate, Martha Coakley (D-MA)
  • Gubernatorial Candidate, Mary Burke (D-WI)
  • Gubernatorial Candidate, Heather Mizeur (D-MD)
  • Lieutenant Governor Candidate, Lucy Flores (D-NV)
  • Secretary of State Candidate, Nina Turner (D-OH)
  • Massachusetts Attorney General Candidate, Maura Healey (D-MA)

In order to receive an LPAC endorsement, a candidate must champion a range of issues that impact lesbians and women, including:

  • Ending discriminatory treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
  • individuals and their families;
  • Protecting access to reproductive freedom and quality healthcare; and
  • Advancing social, racial, and economic justice for all Americans.

*LPAC is a political action committee dedicated to one goal: influencing elections by giving lesbians a meaningful seat at the political table. Visit www.teamlpac.com for more.

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