Mommy Queerest: A Mother-Daughter Coming Out Story


BOSTON—The Theater Offensive, whose mission is to present the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lives in art so bold it breaks through personal isolation, challenges the status quo and builds thriving communities, will present queer Filipina artist Kat Evasco’s Mommy Queerest, April 9-17 at Club Café in Boston.

I first met Kat at the National Performance Network annual meeting in Philadelphia three years ago.  She was representing YouthSpeaks. Her story bowled us over right away, but what really impressed us was the artistry she devoted to bringing her story to audiences.” says Artistic Director Abe Rybeck. Kat is an amazing, young, queer, artist of color who deserves celebration and uplifting from fellow queer artists around the country.

Mommy Queerest, Written by Kat Evasco and John Caldon, and performed by Kat Evasco, tells the story of Kat, a young lesbian, and her closeted lesbian mother, reclaiming their sexuality in their own ways, and how their relationship is strained and strengthened by that exploration process. [pullquote]Mommy Queerest, Written by Kat Evasco and John Caldon, and performed by Kat Evasco, tells the story of Kat, a young lesbian, and her closeted lesbian mother, reclaiming their sexuality in their own ways, and how their relationship is strained and strengthened by that exploration process.[/pullquote]

Drawing on her experience as a stand-up comic and comedic actress, Kat tells this unique coming-out story with wit, bluntness, and hilarity. Kat tackles issues of sexual exploration, cultural identity, sexual abuse, and self-discovery head-on. She places the struggles of her and her mother, and their relationship center stage. Mommy Queerest adds honest, humorous, empowering conversation to issues of abuse, homophobia, and cultural invisibility.

The Theater Offensive: OUT in Your Neighborhood works in Boston neighborhoods to create original, groundbreaking works by, for and about the LGBT community. Their year-round community-based workshops, intensive engagement with at-risk youth to end bullying, and free street theater performances are focused in Roxbury, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain and the South End.  OUT in Your Neighborhood expresses the diversity of the city of Boston, gives voice to underserved LGBT community members, creates avenues for cross-cultural dialogue and breaks down the barriers of homophobia, bigotry and hate. 

The Theater Offensive started 1989, is led by founding Artistic Director Abe Rybeck. Throughout its history The Theater Offensive has furthered its mission “to present the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lives in art so bold it breaks through personal isolation, challenges the status quo, and builds thriving communities.” The Theater Offensive is a Resident Theatre Company at Boston Center for the Arts.

[From a News Release]

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