By: John Verlinden*/TRT Food Columnist–
Last month we had a solid week of single digit temperatures followed by 30 inches of snow with hurricane force winds. Welcome to life here at the North Pole, I mean New England. It was a little rough, but fortunately, winter is just about over. That famous weather predicting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, said so. He didn’t see his shadow this year, so spring is just around the corner. This St. Patty’s Day, we’ll probably be outside in our swimsuits and flip-flops barbecuing our corned beef on the grill, and enjoying our boiled dinner and green beer on the patio. So, don’t wait, get your hot chocolate fix while you can.
I hope the computer models, TV meteorologists and the National Weather Service were listening when Phil made his prediction, but whether March is a lion or a lamb, a cup of steaming hot chocolate is always a crowd pleaser.
Hot Chocolate
Serves: 8
6 ounces dark bittersweet chocolate (splurge on a good one with high cacao content)
1 cup sugar
3 teaspoons cornstarch
2 quarts skim milk
pinch salt
8 marshmallows (optional)
1. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, add the sugar and cornstarch and place in a large saucepan with 2 cups of the milk.
2. Cook slowly over low heat and bring the mixture to a boil stirring regularly with a
whisk until chocolate is dissolved and mixture is smooth.
3. Add the remaining milk, stir to combine and continue cooking until thoroughly heated,
about 3 more minutes.
4. Remove from heat and beat vigorously with the whisk until the chocolate is frothy.
5. Pour into mugs and serve immediately, garnishing tops with marshmallows as desired.
Just in case the groundhog’s prediction doesn’t quite work out, a cup of this hot yummy treat really will make the snow shoveling a little less troublesome. And, if he’s right … no problem, this chocolate is delicious iced.
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