Eladio Armesto threatens judge and marriage equality in Florida. Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdc_Y0-jbzA
Brett Hufziger / bhuf.com
Following the July 2nd hearing on a motion to overturn Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage, Eladio Jose Armesto, Chairman of the Florida Democracy League, and a leading opponent of marriage equality, made outrageous statements to reporters gathered on the steps of the courthouse.
In reference to the 2008 constitutional ban, Armesto stated that if Judge Sarah Zabel ruled to overturn the amendment… “Her judgment would be null and void. No one can rule against the constitution. She would be doing no more or no less than the Ku Klux Klan did in the early part of the last century, where they hanged people for going out to vote. The people of Florida have voted. The judge is able to respect that vote, uphold the rule of law and uphold the constitution. [Check the VIDEO here]
This is nothing more than a judicial lynching of the people of Florida. This is a mockery of justice, it’s a travesty. The judge should have thrown this lawsuit out because it violates her authority, her dignity, and her integrity as a member of the judiciary.”
(Reporter asks how he thinks the judge will rule)
“I do not know what she is going to do. I do hope that she will uphold her oath of office, otherwise she will be in great trouble.”
Statement by Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida Institute, (Equality Florida Institute is a plaintiff in the marriage equality lawsuit, along with six same-sex couples seeking the right to marry). [pullquote]“I am deeply disturbed by the comments made in an apparent attempted intimidation of the judiciary. They have no place in our community or our judicial system. This is unacceptable on any day, but the fact that such hateful words and misguided analogy were spoken on the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act is the most troubling. …”—Christopher L. Smith, Democratic Leader, Florida Senate (D-Ft. Lauderdale)[/pullquote]
“These comments are outrageous under any circumstance. They are particularly despicable on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. “We are confident that the judge will not be intimidated by these vague threats, but will rule according to the law, just as 22 judges across the country have done in finding such bans unconstitutional.”
Statement by Christopher L. Smith, Democratic Leader, Florida Senate (D-Ft. Lauderdale)
“I am deeply disturbed by the comments made in an apparent attempted intimidation of the judiciary. They have no place in our community or our judicial system. This is unacceptable on any day, but the fact that such hateful words and misguided analogy were spoken on the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act is the most troubling.
I encourage all Floridians to embrace equality for all Americans, especially our LGBT brothers and sisters who are waging a battle against those who seek to relegate them to second-class status. I am confident that Judge Zabel will rule according to the letter of the law.”
Statement by Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), Senior Member of the House Rules Committee, Ranking Democratic Member of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, and Co-Chairman of the Florida Delegation.
“Dr. Armesto’s comments are inexcusable and completely outrageous. Furthermore, his words are particularly offensive given that he made them on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. [pullquote]“Dr. Armesto’s comments are inexcusable and completely outrageous. Furthermore, his words are particularly offensive given that he made them on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. —Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL)[/pullquote]
“We must not let the pages of history turn backwards on equality for all Americans. Following the historic Supreme Court rulings in the cases of United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry last year, more states than ever before, as well as the District of Columbia, now recognize the equal rights of committed gay and lesbian couples. It is high time that we afford all individuals the same rights, benefits and protections, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
“While we continue to face ongoing challenges to equal rights for all Americans, let us be emboldened in our efforts, knowing that discrimination, bigotry and hate have no place in our country’s laws.
[From a News Release]
It is difficult for me to believe that Matt Stavers would say that: “Without opposite-sex marriage, there is no procreation.”
Surely he must be aware of the countless couples made up of two lesbian or bisexual women who have used artificial insemination to procreate. It also overlooks the use of surrogate mothers who give birth to children for countless male-male couples. Finally, many same-sex couples create families by adopting children and give them a stable, loving environment in which to grow up.
I suspect that Staver realized that he has lost the case and was simply overcome by the emotion of the moment