Meet A Former Christian Who Found Love And Now Promotes GLBT Rights
DALLAS, Texas – If you had asked Aaron Plaat to define “bigot” just a few short years ago, he probably would have laughed and told you he was far from the hateful word. Presently, his opinion on the question has changed. “Being honest with myself, I was an extremely judgmental person during my days as a Christian.” Plaat says.
His upbringing, being raised in a charismatic Christian church, where banners, dancers, and flags were a regular routine during Sunday worship, helped create such a harsh perspective that led him to judge the GLBT community. “It wasn’t a rare event to see a replica ‘ark of the covenant’ being walked down the aisle” said Plaat, remembering his former church days.
Uncalled for
“The type of judgment and finger pointing I saw was completely non-biblical. Whatever happened to the love taught by Christ?” asked Plaat.
What changed the heart of somebody like Plaat? “Perspective.” He said. “After traveling the world and seeing many different cultures, religions, and people groups, I saw the beauty and excellence of diversity and saw my err.”
While claiming no religion, Plaat still believes in universal love to others and the responsibility to show love, respect, and support to all. He recently launched a website,, to raise awareness and support for marriage equality through eye-grabbing shirts and apparel.
“It’s one way I want to give back and show my support” Plaat said, “It’s not enough to just have a quiet change of heart. I want my actions to speak louder than my old words.”