Staff from the LGBT Aging Project, Fenway Health and The Fenway Institute at the May 15, 2013 announcement that the Aging Project is joining Fenway Health. (From left to right): Bob Linscott, Assistant Director of the LGBT Aging Project; Dale Mitchell, Chair of the LGBT Aging Project’s Board of Directors; Dr. Stephen L. Boswell, President & CEO of Fenway Health; Lisa Krinsky, Director of the LGBT Aging Project; and Aimee VanWagenen, Interim Director of Administration and Operations at The Fenway Institute.
Photo credit: Christopher A. Viveiros
BOSTON, Mass. — The LGBT Aging Project, New England’s premier organization for cultural competency training, programs and advocacy for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) older adults, will become an affiliate of Fenway Health effective July 1, 2013. The LGBT Aging Project will become part of Fenway’s research, education and policy division, The Fenway Institute. This new affiliation will reinforce the commitment of both the LGBT Aging Project and Fenway Health to the growing LGBT older adult community.
“The LGBT Aging Project will maintain its mission, identity and staff with the Fenway Institute as our new home, “said Lisa Krinsky, Director of the LGBT Aging Project. “We are excited to join the Fenway family, and to grow our programs to positively impact the lives of larger numbers of LGBT older adults and caregivers. We are equally excited to help Fenway expand their work in LGBT aging.” [pullquote]This affiliation will tightly integrate community-based services, training and advocacy for LGBT older adults with research relevant to the aging LGBT population and access to health care. [/pullquote]
This affiliation will tightly integrate community-based services, training and advocacy for LGBT older adults with research relevant to the aging LGBT population and access to health care. The resulting synergy will increase visibility for LGBT older adults and their unique social service and health care needs. As part of The Fenway Institute, the LGBT Aging Project will continue to build upon its successes in providing training, capacity-building, and community-based services and collaborate with Fenway faculty and staff to conduct critical research on the LGBT older adult community. This will help sharpen training, outreach and educational efforts at both organizations.
“Fenway is extremely excited by this partnership. As more members of our community reach their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, care and services for LGBT older adults are going to be increasingly important,” said Stephen L. Boswell, MD, Fenway Health President and CEO. “We look forward to working with the staff of the LGBT Aging Project on growing their programs and tapping into their expertise to help Fenway better serve our elders.” [pullquote]“Fenway is extremely excited by this partnership. As more members of our community reach their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, care and services for LGBT older adults are going to be increasingly important,” said Stephen L. Boswell, MD, Fenway Health President and CEO.[/pullquote]
Founded in 2001 by a group of advocates from both the aging service network and the LGBT community, the LGBT Aging Project is dedicated to ensuring that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults have equal access to the life-prolonging benefits, protections, services and institutions that their heterosexual neighbors take for granted. Through LGBT cultural competency training for mainstream elder service providers, community building for LGBT older adults themselves, and civic leadership, the LGBT Aging Project ensures that LGBT older adults can age with the dignity and respect they deserve.
For more than forty years, Fenway Health has been working to make life healthier for the people in our neighborhood, the LGBT community, people living with HIV/AIDS and the broader population. The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health is an interdisciplinary center for research, training, education and policy development focusing on national and international healthissues. Fenway’s Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center cares for youth and young adults ages 12 to 29 who may not feel comfortable going anywhere else, including those who are LGBT or just figuring things out; homeless or living on the streets; struggling with substance use or abuse; sex workers; or living with HIV/AIDS.
[From a News Release]