Former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan formally enters the race for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by John Kerry (D).
Photo: YouTube/WCBVTV
BOSTON, Mass. — Yesterday, during a press conference confirming his intent to run for U.S. Senate, former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan affirmed his opposition to marriage equality. MassEquality Executive Director Kara Suffredini offered the following statement in response:
“In 2013, having celebrated marriage equality for almost a decade, there is no place in Massachusetts politics for candidates who espouse anti-marriage views. In fact, on the same day that former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan confirmed his opposition to marriage equality, nearly 100 prominent leaders from Sullivan’s Republican party filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court urging the court to overturn a section of the Defense of Marriage Act that denies federal recognition of their marriages. Nearly 300 national business leaders did the same.
“The unmistakable trend in our country is toward public acceptance and embrace of marriage equality. Our families are safer, healthier, and happier when they are treated with dignity and fairness, and our greater civic communities are strengthened as well. Equality is the path Massachusetts voters are on, and we trust that they will elect a U.S. Senate candidate who is walking that path with them.”
MassEquality is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination and oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. MassEquality does this by partnering across issues, identities and communities to build a broad, inclusive and politically powerful movement that changes hearts and minds and achieves policy and electoral victories.
[From a News Release]