BOSTON, Mass. — Each November, the worldwide transgender community turns its attention to its family, friends and loved ones lost to violence and prejudice. A tradition inspired by the Allston, MA vigil for slain transsexual Rita Hester in 1998, this day has become the worldwide rallying point for a community long under siege.
In Boston, folks will gather in St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral downtown for a program of speakers, community speak out, and a candlelight vigil on the Common. This free program begins at 4 p.m. and concludes with a reception featuring hot drinks and good food.
Boston’s Transgender communities extend a warm welcome to all who would like to attend this important event to memorialize our dead and underscore the serious suffering in our communities. No one should be subjected to violence simply because of their gender identity or expression. No one should be denied the basic rights that enable their safety and security. No one should consider taking their own life to escape harassment and bullying. Please join with us on this day to remember our departed friends, loved ones, and community members.
This year the event will benefit both the Transgender Emergency Fund and the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program’s Transgender Clinic Fund. Sponsors needed, more info at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BostonTransDOR/
Event Background:
Twelve years ago at this time, Boston’s LGBT community recoiled in horror at the discovery of the latest victim of transphobic violence. Rita Hester, a popular figure in the local rock ‘n roll scene, who also happened to be a transsexual, had been found brutally stabbed to death in her Brighton apartment. Like so many killings of gay and transgender persons, the victim was subjected to enough brutality to kill her many times over.
A local community of queer activists, rockers, family, friends and allies – over 250 of them – came together and held a speak-out and candlelight vigil in Rita’s honor, forming a human stream of light winding its way through Rita’s old Allston stomping grounds. One year later, a memorial vigil was held in San Francisco; the following year Boston and a few other cities joined in, and this year hundreds of observances will be held in dozens of countries.
Boston’s transgender community remembers local victims Chanelle Pickett, Debra Forte, Monique Thomas, Georgette Hart, Denise Pugliesi, Monique Rogers, Lisa Daniels, and Rita Hester. There have been many more, mostly uncounted and unnoticed by all but their friends and family.
Organized by the all-volunteer Boston Transgender Day of Remembrance Organizing Committee: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BostonTransDOR/
[From a Press Release]