Valley Gives is organized and hosted by the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. It is the 24-hour e-philanthropy event in Western Massachusetts.
This vastly successful e-philanthropy event has a new goal – to raise $2M on December 12, 2013 in 24 hours. Nonprofits in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties have until next Tuesday, September 24th to register.
WHO: Valley Gives is organized and hosted by the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. Joining this effort as partners are eight of the leading funding organizations in western Massachusetts, including:
- Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts
- Jewish Endowment Foundation
- Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
- United Way of Hampshire County
- United Way of Franklin County
- United Way of Pioneer Valley
- Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
- The Beveridge Family Foundation
WHAT: Valley Gives is a 24 hour e-philanthropy event scheduled for December 12, 2013 to encourage residents in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties to log on and contribute to their favorite local nonprofit organizations through www.valleygivesday.org – a centralized web-enabled and mobile giving platform.
WHEN: All day, on Thursday, December 12, 2013
WHY: “Nonprofit organizations in western Massachusetts and their supporters turned out in full force last year to make our very first Valley Gives a huge success. This year our goal is to double our success last year and raise $2M.” said Kristin Leutz, Vice President of Philanthropic Services for the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.
During last year’s Valley Gives, 6646 donors made 10606 gifts totaling $974,737. Adding in the $200,000 prize pool raised by the organizers brought the grand total raised to $1,174,737.
“We’re hoping to raise the participation of local nonprofit organizations this year by increasing our outreach to them. Our goal is to see 350 local organizations participate this year,” said Leutz. [pullquote]“We’re hoping to raise the participation of local nonprofit organizations this year by increasing our outreach to them. Our goal is to see 350 local organizations participate this year,” said Leutz.[/pullquote]
Nonprofit organizations based in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties have until Tuesday, September 24th to register to participate. Interested nonprofits may register at www.valleygivesday.org.
When donors visit the Valley Gives website on December 12, 2013 between 12 AM and 11:59 p.m., they will be able to make gifts to their favorite nonprofits. Thanks to the generous sponsors and donors of Valley Gives, $200,000 in unrestricted cash prizes and exciting bonus matches will be given out to nonprofits that inspire the most donors and raise the most money.
Valley Gives technical support is provided by Razoo, the world’s fastest-growing crowd funding site for causes. Razoo, which has helped nonprofits raise over $137M, is committed to creating a more generous world by offering easy-to-use online fundraising tools for individuals and nonprofits.
Valley Gives is generously supported by Featured Sponsors: Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury, Murphy, P.C.; Big Y; UBS Keady Foard Montemagni Wealth Management Group; Easthampton Savings Bank. Underwriters: Balise; Peter Pan; United Personnel and Paragus Strategic IT as well as numerous individual donors. Media Sponsors include TV22 and The Reminder Publications.
Gifts can be made on 12.12.13 at www.valleygivesday.org. You can follow Valley Gives in real time on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ValleyGives or on Twitter @ValleyGives.
To read The Rainbow Times last year’s story about Valley Gives click here.
[From a News Release]