2011: The Year in Queer

By: Jimmy Newsum/Special for TRT

2011 has been a crazy see-saw year, with terrific highs like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell being repealed, Florida lifting its gay adoption ban and New York joining six other states in the union to legalize Gay Marriage. Also, another delightful gay character has joined prime time television — we love Happy Ending’s Max!

But there were deep lows too including the suicides of gay teens Jamie Hubley and Jamey Rodemeyer and the continued rise of hate crimes against gay and transgender people. We polled some of our favorite bold-faced names on how they will remember the past year in queer.

Q: What was the gay highlight of 2011?
AIDEN LESLIE: New York passing Gay MarriageNot only was it history in the making, it was extra special because it happened over Gay Pride Weekend. To be in New York at the moment was incredible.
SCOTT HERMAN: The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. It took long enough!
LALA: New York passing Gay Marriage.  I’m available to perform gay weddings, ya’ll!
TONY MORAN: The mainstreaming of the It Gets Better Campaign.
D ALEXANDER: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” is the soundtrack to a year full of milestone events in the gay community.

Q. What was the gay lo-light of 2011?
LALA: 14-year-old boy, Jamey Rodemeyer, committing suicide.
TONY MORAN: Tracy Morgan’s “Stab My Gay Son” joke.
AIDEN LESLIE:  The Republican’s controlling the House of Representatives. Its frustrating when there is no movement on so many important issues.
SCOTT HERMAN: Gay teen bullying and suicides.
D ALEXANDER: Gay teen suicides. It’s time to stop teasing and start loving.

Q. What is the biggest issue facing the gay community today?
D ALEXANDER: Gay teen bullying and suicides.
LALA: Marriage equality.
TONY MORAN: Gay teen bullying and suicides. We have to fight for our youth.
AIDEN LESLIE: The possibility of a Republican president. It would be sad to see the progress we have had made lose its momentum.
SCOTT HERMAN: Gay teen bullying and suicides.

Q. Who was the biggest out star of 2011?
TONY MORAN: Lady Gaga.
AIDEN LESLIE:  Ellen DeGeneres and Ricky Martin. 
SCOTT HERMAN: Neil Patrick Harris.
LALA: Lady Gaga.

Q. 2011 will forever go down as the year…
TONY MORAN: …Osama Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi were finally taken down.
LALA: …the gay community won its battle against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
AIDEN LESLIE: …the people lost hope in Obama. I think people have been quick to count him out, but I wouldn’t be so sure.
SCOTT HERMAN: …the people lost hope in Obama. He spent more time in People Magazine than behind his desk in the oval office.
D ALEXANDER: …we repealed “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” and that the LGBT finally integrated itself into mainstream thanks to Gaga and Ke$ha.

Q. Who do you hope will disappear into the gay abyss in 2012?
SCOTT HERMAN: The cast of Housewives of New Jersey and any show that has the word “Jersey” in its title.
LALA: Sarah Palin.
TONY MORAN: Michelle Bachman.
D ALEXANDER: Donald Trump, Tracy Morgan and Jersey Shore.

Q. How will you ring in 2012? 
AIDEN LESLIE: Onstage, performing, doing what I love most.
TONY MORAN: I will be in the happiest place on earth: the DJ booth.
SCOTT HERMAN: I plan to celebrate with friends and family.
LALA: I’ll be rockin’ it hard with my tits out!
D ALEXANDER: I’ll be on my hands and knees praying the world doesn’t end. It would suck if my arrival on the red carpet was brought down by the apocalypse.

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