Pregúntale a Lambda Legal: Matrimonio y los Beneficios Conyugales de Miembros del Ejército
P. ¡Mi marido es un miembro del servicio militar y recientemente nos casamos! He leído que ahora tenemos acceso a los beneficios conyugales militares, pero…
P. ¡Mi marido es un miembro del servicio militar y recientemente nos casamos! He leído que ahora tenemos acceso a los beneficios conyugales militares, pero…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— One of the anti-gay right’s favorite arguments is that the gays are actually the intolerant ones. It’s a pretty laughable…
By: Keegan O’Brien*— [This article was originally published in The Nation] According to a nationwide study conducted by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN),…
By: Lorelei Erisis*/TRT Columnist— This month, by way of illustrating a common occurrence many trans people have to deal with on an all too regular…
Por: Thomas Ude, Jr./Abogado de Lambda Legal— Q: He estado asistiendo a la escuela en los Estados Unidos por un par de años, y durante…
By: Pat Scanlon*— The exclusion of Veterans For Peace, the LGBT community and other peace organizations from participating in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade should…
By: Leslie Gabel Brett/Director of Education and Public Affairs— Dear Ask Lambda Legal, Q: I’m transgender and also have HIV, and am wondering if Obamacare…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— I was just reading about a middle school student who shot and killed his math teacher in Nevada. And like…
By: Keegan O’Brien— CeCe McDonald and Pvt. Chelsea Manning (formerly known as Pvt. Bradley Manning before recently coming out as transgender) are queer freedom fighters…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— The Values Voter Summit that took place Oct. 11-13 was an all-you-can-derp buffet of right-wing lunacy. Needless to say, many…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— Hey, did you hear that former Ohio attorney general Jim Petro recently became a grandpa? That’s nice for him. The…
I’ve Stopped Assuming That The left Is Committed To LGBT Rights By: Abby Dees*/Special to TRT— Last week I staffed a booth at a local…
By: Hayley Gorenberg/Lambda Legal Deputy Legal Director — Q: My family and I just moved, and I just started at a new school. I’m hoping…
By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Columnist— Despite books, articles and media interviews with LGBTQ-friendly clergy addressing the handful of biblical references to homosexuality, there is still…
Por: Hayley Gorenberg/Director Jurídico Adjunta de Lambda Legal— P: Mi familia y yo acabamos de mudarnos, y voy a comenzar una nueva escuela. Espero que…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— Want to be horrified? Do a Google image search for “anti-gay attacks in Russia.” Scroll through the photos of gays,…
The delicate balancing act of showing people that my life isn’t totally defined by my sexual orientation By: Abby Dees*/Special to TRT— I often joke…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— When it comes to heterosexuals and homosexuals, there is a glaringly obvious difference between the two. And, no, it isn’t…
By: Abby Dees*/Special to TRT— When the deadline for this column loomed, I panicked. I have absolutely no clear opinions about anything this week, aside…
By: Jason Lydon*/TRT Columnist— Chelsea Manning came out to the world as a transgender woman on August 22. Global attention has been on Chelsea for…
By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist— It is estimated that approximately 1 percent of transgender people detransition. That is, they return back to their birth gender….
Por: Beverly Tillery/Directora de Educación Comunitaria y Abogacía de Lambda Legal— P: El otro día estaba caminando por la calle, y un policía me detuvo…
By: Beverly Tillery/Director of Community Education & Advocacy— Dear Ask Lambda Legal, Q: I was walking down the street the other day, and a police…