DOMA’s Repeal: A Nick on the Tip of the Iceberg
By: Nicole Lashomb, Editor-in-Chief— DOMA. It is about time that heinous act of discrimination was overturned. Like many of you, I was in tears, celebrating…
By: Nicole Lashomb, Editor-in-Chief— DOMA. It is about time that heinous act of discrimination was overturned. Like many of you, I was in tears, celebrating…
By: Lorelei Erisis*/TRT Columnist— As you will know dear readers, this is a monthly publication, which often prevents me from being able to comment on…
Por: Dru Levasseur/Abogado de derechos Transgéneros de LL— P: Soy una persona transgénero y recientemente fui cuestionada por un empleado de un restaurante local cuando…
By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist— Every year LGBT Prides are held throughout the world and every year they get bigger and bigger. More and more…
By: Dru Levasseur/Transgender Rights Attorney for LL— Q: I’m a transgender person and was recently questioned by an employee of a local restaurant when I…
Por: Wilfred Labiosa/Columnista de TRT— Orgullo, ¿por qué y para qué? Estas preguntas no sólo me las hago frecuentemente sino que también hago hincapié durante…
By: Jason Lydon*/TRT Columnist— This month I am writing my column from Detroit, Michigan while attending the 15th Allied Media Conference (AMC). This space has…
By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Columnist— Physical and emotional harm are two known forms of abuse. However, spiritual abuse is often overlooked. Spiritual and emotional mistreatment…
By: D’Anne Witkowski/Special to TRT— There’s an app for that. It doesn’t even matter what “that” is, because there’s an app for everything. You want…
Celebrating our lives when no one cared that we were dying By: Abby Dees*/Special to TRT— The motto of my first Pride parade was “Unity…
By: Jason Lydon*/TRT Columnist— I had the pleasure of attending Youth Pride as an adult ally on May 18th. I was overcome with joy watching…
By: Nicole Lashomb/TRT Editor-in-Chief— Pride. Is it really still necessary? This type of question has often surfaced during discussions around my dining room table. In…
Por: Wilfred Labiosa*/Columnista de TRT— Durante este mes de Junio, celebramos nuestro orgullo de ser lo que somos, personas LGBT diversas llenas de un espíritu…
By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Columnist— Religious leaders, especially those opposed to LGBTQ civil and human rights, narrowly define relativism as pop culture’s attempt to impose…
By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist— The Boston Pride theme for 2013 is “Moving forward … Proud, Strong, United!” This signifies the struggle that LGBT people…
By: Lorelei Erisis*/TRT Columnist— This time of year more or less denotes the start of the season I like to think of as the “speaking…
It’s happening here, it’s happening there, it’s happening regardless of politics. By: Abby Dees*/Special to TRT— In the information packet for my recent trip to…
By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT— The Christian-dominated religious right in America is not exactly known for being BFFs with Jews. I mean, there’s that whole…
To the Editor, Recently I read a comment posted on the Boston Pride Facebook page when it was suggested that Javier Pagán should be the…
By: Jason Lydon*/TRT Columnist– When writing for a LGBTQ newspaper the constant question in any situation is, “What’s the queer angle to this story?” As…
By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist– Fighting for transgender peoples’ rights is fighting for the rights of everyone. For every gain that we transgender people make,…
By: Nicole Lashomb*/TRT Editor-in-Chief– Over the past several months, The Rainbow Times has begun to focus more on its philanthropic work. Thanks to our advertisers,…
By: Jon Davidson, Legal Director, Lambda Legal– Dear Lambda Legal, Q: I was talking with friends about the Supreme Court hearings about Prop 8 in…