Hundreds To Gather Today In Boston: Voice Opposition To Border Wall, More

Border WallPhoto: Movimiento Cosecha/FB

On President’s Day, hundreds gather to Voice Opposition to Border Wall and Inhuman Treatment of Immigrants and Asylum Seekers; The numbers tell the story of how fed up people are by the inhumane treatment of immigrants in this country

“Cosecha en Massachusetts” and other organizations will stand in solidarity today to say No to the emergency, No to the wall, and Yes to permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers.

On their FB event’s page, the organization denounces Trump’s actions.

“Trump declared a national emergency to fund his racist, xenophobic, and unpopular wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. We know that Trump is making up this ‘emergency’ to get his way, and we refuse to stand for it,” the release stated. “The organization will listen to the voices of those affected by harsh immigration policies and learn about how they and their allies are organizing the Massachusetts license campaign, Wage Theft, ICE out of Suffolk County and extend ‘our’ support to the detainees at the Suffolk County House of Corrections who are on hunger strike. … Massachusetts residents are convening in front of the Federal Building to say NO to the emergency, NO to the wall, and YES to permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all undocumented immigrants.”

What: NO WALL: Reject National Emergency Rally

When: Monday, February 18, 4 p.m.

Where: JFK Federal Building, 15 New Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.

“As folks know there is a national emergency of 11 million people living in the US without papers and 240,000 undocumented folks in Massachusetts,” the release also stated.

Former statements by the organization summarize what Cosecha Massachusetts believes in.

“We believe that:

In Massachusetts, it’s an emergency that folks can’t bring their kids to school, drive to work, or go grocery shopping without fearing deportation because they have no access to a driver’s license

In Massachusetts, it’s an emergency that thousands of Massachusetts families are on the verge of losing their TPS status and forced to make impossible choices

In Massachusetts, it’s an emergency that our federal legislators refuse to pass legislation that allows all residents access to permanent protections

In Massachusetts it’s an emergency that our Court Houses are a target for ICE and our families are terrorized and torn apart by detentions and deportations

In Massachusetts, it’s an emergency that thousands of immigrant workers every day are working without pay

In Massachusetts, it’s an emergency that our state legislators refuse to pass laws to end cooperation with ICE and 287g agreements”

For more information or to attend, visit the protest’s FB page at

To learn more, participate, donate or become more active in this cause, visit:, or in FB at or at

To attend or to learn more about the latest developments, visit the protest’s FB event’s page at

Co-sponsoring organizations include of the action include PSL Boston; ISO Boston; ANSWER Coalition Boston; Harvard ISO; Tufts United for Immigrant Justice; ROCA; Boston May Day Coalition; Massachusetts Jobs with Justice! ; Essex County Community Organization; Pilipinx Education, Advocacy, and Resources; Indivisible Mystic Valley; SEIU 32BJ; Salem No Place For Hate; The Rainbow Times; Boston Feminists for Liberation; Cosecha Merrimack Valley; Nepal TPS Alliance; FANG Collective; Our Revolution Cambridge; Latino Leadership Coalition; Justice4Siham;Boston College Graduate Employees Union-UAW; Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (“Beyond”) ; Boston Democratic Socialists of America; If Not Now; Cape Verdean Association of Boston; Massachusetts Communities Action Network (MCAN); JP/Rox Immigrant Solidarity Coalition; Brazilian Women’s Group, etc.

Movimiento Cosecha is a nonviolent movement fighting for the permanent protection, dignity, and respect for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Comunicado de Prensa (Español):

Trump a declarado una emergencia nacional lo cual le facilitaría financiar su muro eside, xenofóbico e impopular en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México. Sabemos que Trump esta fabricando esta emergencia para obtener su capricho de esidents el muro y rehusamos aceptar su declaración.

Únete a Cosecha Massachusetts para decirle NO a la emergencia, No al muro, y SI a la protección permanente, dignidad y respeto para todos los inmigrantes indocumentados.

La verdadera emergencia nacional es que hay 11 millones de personas viviendo en los Estados Unidos sin papeles y 240,000 indocumentados en Massachusetts.

Creemos que:

Hay una emergencia cuando la gente no puede llevar sus hijos a la escuela, o ir de compra sin miedo a ser deportados porque no tienen acceso a licencias de manejar.

Hay una emergencia en Massachusetts porque miles de familias están a punto de perder su status de TPS lo que los forzara a enfrentar esidents terribles.

Hay una emergencia en Massachusetts porque los legisladores federales rehúsan pasar leyes que extiendan protección permanente a todos sus esidents.

Hay una emergencia en Massachusetts porque los legisladores federales rehúsan pasar leyes que terminen la cooperación con ICE y acuerdos 287g para poder proceder con el debido procedimiento y la protección legal.

Únanse en solidaridad para protestar contra el muro, para aprender mas sobre las campanas de licencias para todos, trabajando con dignidad y otros esfuerzos en apoyo a todos en nuestra comunidad. ¡Dejen oír sus voces!

Cuando: 18 February 2018
Hora: 4:00 p.m.
Dónde: JFK Federal Building
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, Mass

[From a Press Release]


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