The Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender (LGBT) Asylum Support Task Force at Boston Pride 2013.
Photo: TRT/Sean Sullivan
WORCESTER, Mass—The LGBT Asylum Task Force will march in Worcester’s Gay Pride Parade to demonstrate the plight of the international LGBT community highlighting current hotspots of anti-gay violence such as Cameroon, Jamaica, Russia and Uganda. Several current asylum seekers will be marching with paper bags over their heads symbolizing the fear and hiding they live with daily both back home in their countries of origin, as well as while seeking asylum here in America. Others will march in solidarity for those still unable to be out and proud.
What: Demonstration/Pride Parade
When: September 7, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.
Where: Institute Park, Park Avenue, Worcester
The heightened homophobia in intolerant countries worldwide, where legal protections and acceptance are lacking, forces many to flee their homes and seek asylum protection abroad. This surge exacerbates an already untenable situation for volunteer organizations in the U.S. trying to provide support services.
The LGBT Asylum Task Force, a project of the Hadwen Park Church, was formed in Worcester in 2008 helping over 60 asylum seekers from 15 countries. Currently the Task Force supports 8 asylees with housing, clothing, food, cell phone, and transportation at an expense of $4,000 monthly. The Task Force also attempts to locate pro-bono legal help and connect asylum seekers with various health and social services. All expenses are acquired through donations and fundraising since the U.S. federal government provides nothing to those seeking asylum. [pullquote]Several current asylum seekers will be marching with paper bags over their heads symbolizing the fear and hiding they live with daily both back home in their countries of origin, as well as while seeking asylum here in America. [/pullquote]
The LGBT Asylum Support Task Force is a community-based organization of volunteers dedicated to supporting and empowering LGBT individuals seeking asylum or refuge in the United States. Founded in June 2008, our founding goal and continuing mission is to support the basic human needs of LGBT people seeking asylum in the United States. Our secondary goal is to educate the public in an effort to change policy around the globe so someday no LGBT person will need to seek asylum because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
To donate send your donations to: the LGBT Asylum Support Task Force, c/o Hadwen Park Church, 6 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603.
To read a recent TRT report/story on the LGBT Asylum Task Force, click here!
[From a News Release]