By: Nicole Lashomb*/TRT Editor-in-Chief–
Over the past several months, The Rainbow Times has begun to focus more on its philanthropic work. Thanks to our advertisers, subscribers, readers, and fans, we’ve been able to do so. Since last month, we are now sponsoring The Terriers, a Beantown Softball League team. We were thrilled that this opportunity presented itself and greatly look forward to attending games and rooting on our team this season. They are the ones who will be wearing The Rainbow Times’ logo on their baseball caps. We know they will represent us well!
Recently, we attended the Fenway Health Women’s Dinner Party and pledged monies to help name their new mammography suite. A total of $165,000 was raised for that suite in addition to the $440,000 for the life-saving services and programs at Fenway Health. [pullquote]All of us should be in this together, Boston Strong. I’m sure you can think of many community organizations that you would like to donate to. Do it. Get involved. We are.[/pullquote]
Last year alone, The Rainbow Times provided more than $23,000 worth of in-kind and cash donations to non-profit organizations working for the betterment of our community. However, we don’t want our philanthropic work to stop within the LGBT circle alone. While there is much need within it, we also must reach beyond ourselves to include others in need. An example of this can be seen with The One Fund Boston, a foundation which raises money to help the families most affected by the heinous crimes that took place at the Boston Marathon on April 15. Our community belongs to all of us. All of us should be in this together, Boston Strong. I’m sure you can think of many community organizations that you would like to donate to. Do it. Get involved. We are.
For the next year and going forward indefinitely, The Rainbow Times will donate nearly 20% per subscription ordered to local agencies to assist in moving their work forward. One Fund Boston will be one of the recipients. But, if you have another charity in mind, please make a note of that when purchasing your subscription and we’ll be happy to make the donation there instead. It really is about paying it forward.
We’ve got a lot of work to do.
* Nicole Lashomb is the co-owner and editor-in-chief of The Rainbow Times. She holds an MBA from Marylhurst University and a Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Potsdam. You can reach her at: