Why Latin@ Pride? This is Why!

Below are some facts that show the importance and attention that the LGBTQ communities of color need. Based on these shocking reports, by reputable sources, you can see how at risk the Latino LGBTQ populations are in comparison to the mainstream populations. Cultural bias from within their own close knit community coupled with racism and immigration bias make LGBTQ Latinos a community at risk.

Because of that, we have researched a few of the latest statistics, which show a high homicide risk in the Latino Trans community, as well as the general LGBT Latino community. Let’s pay attention to the research below and if someone were to ask why Latin@ Pride, well I’d proudly say, this is why!

• A new Washington Post-ABC News poll, according to COLOR Lines, found 53 percent of U.S. voters believe gay marriage should be legal, a record shift in public opinion from just six years ago when support was at 36 percent. The poll also found people of color are more likely to support gay marriage than whites with black support at record high (http://tinyurl.com/743c5vo).

• According to the Center for American Progress, gay and transgender people of color face high rates of unemployment or underemployment, overall lower rates of pay, higher rates of poverty, and a greater likelihood of being uninsured. The youth in these communities also experience lower educational attainment and higher rates of homelessness than their peers (http://tinyurl.com/9bzj4m6).

• According to the Pew Reseaerch Center, in 2001, roughly one-third of both whites and blacks expressed support for same-sex marriage. Today, 48% of whites support same-sex marriage, as do 39% of blacks (http://tinyurl.com/7y48tvm).

• The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs’ annual report released findings that are extremely shocking. Their research found that 70 percent of anti-LGBT murder victims are people of color (http://www.avp.org/ncavp.htm).

• The National Transgender Discrimination Survey shows some devastating results: 47 percent of Latino/a respondents reported having attempted suicide; 28 percent of Latino/a transgender people live in extreme poverty, with an income of less than $10,000/year; 23 percent of Latino/a transgender people reported being refused medical care due to bias, etc. (http://tinyurl.com/c5ea862).

• The National Transgender Discrimination Survey’s key findings state that the combination of anti-transgender bias and persistent, structural and individual racism was especially devastating for Latino/a transgender people and other people of color; the statistics are worse for undocumented LGBT immigrants (http://tinyurl.com/97svpj2).

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